LEDA SoCal 2024
Join us in Irvine, California, from September 10-13th, 2024 at the Mariner's Church for a loaded 4-day training event hosted by the Irvine Police Department!
LEDA will be bringing a packed agenda covering topics like Tactical Drone Operations, Aerial Search Tactics, Crash/Crime Scene Reconstruction, Drone as First Responder Programs, UAS Program Hardening, Supervisors Courses, K9 Integration and so much more! Below is a sample of what the SoCal Agenda will look like (some classes are subject to change based upon availability.).
We will also be introducing our "Seminar Only Pass" (SOP) at this event, where attendees who wish only to attend classes and will not fly can maintain their learning in classrooms and breakouts while our "Flight Pass" (FP) attendees are ripping up the practical scenarios stations, both indoor and out! Those desiring the SOP will pay less, yet will gain lots of intel on the latest tactics and techniques, as well as the most up-to-date technology on the market.
HOTEL BLOCK: We are staying at the Irvine Marriott and have a reservation block. Rooms are first come, first served, so get your rooms reserved ASAP. If it books up, we will go back and ask for additional rooms and push that information out when needed.
If you need to pay by Purchase Order, please click the button below to send us your PO, or mail it to 1574 Coburg Road, Suite 863, Eugene, Oregon, 97401. Once we receive the PO, we will add the members to the registration. PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ON THE PO:
Rank of Attendee
Name of Attendee
Email Address of Attendee
Please specify which ticket you are purchasing -
FLIGHT PASS - $599 per attendee (Will participate in flight training)
SEMINAR ONLY PASS - $399 per attendee (Will attend breakout sessions during flight training)
You can click the button below to send an email with an attached Purchase Order. Our W9 may be downloaded above.
PER DIEM Information: Lunch will be provided each day of the conference to all attendees. The hotel does not provide breakfast, but does have several restaurants, so please factor that into per diem.

Testimonials from our Northeast Conference 2024
Check out just a few of our many reviews from our recent conference in the Boston Metro area in May of this year:
"This training really was fantastic. If it wasn’t for LEDA, my agency would not have a drone program. Everything I have ever learned about drone operations has been through LEDA."
"This is one of the best trainings and/or conferences I’ve been to over the last 20 years. I’ll pull whatever strings I can to convince my department to let me come back again and again..."
"Well worth my departments money and my time. Looking forward to the next one. There were so many experienced personnel in that room at one time, what more could you ask for in a training environment."
"Hands down the best police training I've ever taken. The volume of useful and truly relevant material was great. So much info to bring home and apply personally and to better develop and grow our program."
"The level of experience and knowledge of all of the instructors. As a supervisor of a new drone team, I gained a lot of usable information that will help make my program successful. The variety of breakout sessions was very helpful."
"Undoubtedly will make our program better short term and long term and drastically make me a better pilot and program manager."

Come learn the latest tactics and theory behind the why and how we do our best work in the field. Join the hundreds of other pilots that have come to our events and developed a strong strategy to make themselves, their team and programs more effective on every call.
Get HANDS ON learning by doing at our practical scenario flight stations, proctored by experienced public safety drone pilots with tons of real-life experience on types of flights you will be performing in training.

Our agenda will have a myriad of pertinent topics during breakout days, where attendees can choose which course best captures their pursuit of knowledge in the sector. We will have a track for Supervisors, Tactical Operators, Crash/Crime Scene Reconstruction, Patrol Pilots, and also fill space for our amazing industry sponsors.
The LEDA Experience is one folks tend to not forget! Join us for our fun-filled social evenings and network with other pilots and teams from all over the country

LEDA Conference Circuit
LEDA SoCal 2024

Gold Sponsors

Event Sponsors